Wednesday 22 September 2010

The Work Of Jennifer Lake


Some very interesting work compiled by Jennifer concerning cancer and the Salk polio vaccine. See the rest of her work at the link below.

Filed under: Eugenics,Human Experimentation,Zionism,genocide,radiation,vaccines — jenniferlake

Assassination By Cancer

Tags: WMD, covert assasssinations, JFK, cancer-causing monkey virus

Speculation about JFK’s death and the many aspects of the plot to kill him which were shut out of the official investigation, are weaving together numerous conspiracies of the Cold War. We have yet to lay the pieces coherently, but the work of Edward T. Haslam and his book, Dr. Mary’s Monkey, move one of the main stories right onto my front burner –the ‘cancer’ contaminated polio vaccines of Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin! A plot within the JFK murder plot concerns the secret laboratories in New Orleans that were hatching a biological cancer weapon to take out Fidel Castro. Overseen by the eminent Tulane University physician, Dr. Alton Ochsner, a handful of covert researchers that included Lee Harvey Oswald designed a potent protocol of rapid death using the most carcinogenic medical substances known:

Edward Haslam: “To understand the background to this, you have to understand [Dr. Alton] Ochsner’s connection to the polio vaccine; and when the polio vaccine was produced there were several laboratories –I believe the number was 6– producing the vaccine, and Ochsner was one of the major stockholders of one of these laboratories [JL>>revealed in the Coast to Coast interview as Cutter Lab]. He had also been one of the people promoting the release of the polio vaccine all along. In fact, the situation was so intense that when the Francis trials occurred up in Michigan and it was said the polio vaccine was safe, at the last minute they asked Bernice Eddy at the National Institutes of Health, who was the official vaccine safety tester, to test the vaccines. When she injected the vaccines into her monkeys, she got back dead and crippled monkeys. So, she tried to delay the release of the vaccine. But the problem was that every day they waited there was another hundred children getting polio, and there was a lot of inertia on it all the way back to President Roosevelt pushing for this with the March of Dimes and everything else. Ochsner was so convinced that Jonas Salk’s vaccine was safe that he decided to publicly inoculate his own grandchildren with the vaccine in front of the faculty of Tulane Medical School. The result of this bold and courageous action was that his grandson died from polio and his granddaughter got polio.

….At the time that I started [investigating], I was not aware of the SV40 issue…but I’d also heard about the contamination of the polio vaccine and I did not know if I could document it..but..there was very good documentation out there supporting the knowledge that the polio vaccine was contaminated with the cancer-causing virus –several of them, in fact– but the most dangerous one was SV40 which the experts say today is the most carcinogenic..entity they have ever found…

One of the most interesting and frankly disturbing points in this entire investigation is that there is some level of connection between Dr. Alton Ochsner and Lee Harvey Oswald, and I can say that completely and confidently because [there is a legacy of evidence, including a record album of Oswald's radio debate sponsored by Dr. Ochsner]…This man was the president of the American Cancer Society. What is the president of the American Cancer Society doing tangled up with Lee Harvey Oswald? I think the answer involves cancer….

…Particle beam accelerators are used in cancer research…the American Cancer Society had a number of programs that they financed and sponsored for that… We were able to locate the man who said he built [a particle] accelerator in New Orleans..on the grounds of the U.S. Public Health Service hospital…

My conclusion is that this medical Manhattan project that was on the grounds of the U.S. Public Health Service hospital in New Orleans..was using a linear particle accelerator for the purpose of..mutation of cancer-causing viruses, and the danger and ethical issues why they kept it so secret.

….There was another [covert] laboratory which was the investigative team working for [Jim] Garrison’s investigation on the Kennedy assassination. This was an underground laboratory which was reportedly using cancer-causing viruses to create cancer and what is particularly disturbing about this laboratory is the location..[which] was in the hands of people who can easily be described as right-wing political extremists.”

View the video interview of Edward Haslam :

Part of the JFK assassination conspiracy was a plot to kill Fidel Castro by giving him cancer with injections and x-rays. In the words of Judyth Vary Baker, during her film segment of the documentary The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Ms. Baker revealed her role as a 19-year-old cancer researcher:

[from the episode "The Love Affair", segments 3 and 4]

“I convinced Dr. Ochsner and others that the real thing we needed to do was pull down Castro’s immune system by using several ploys, and then when the cancer’s introduced into his body, it would be found in his blood system and they’d put him in front of the x-ray again and again and again. Supposedly he’d be getting treatments to kill the cancer when actually his immune system was getting destroyed. That could be done, in other words, Castro could be eliminated by using x-ray and they’ll think that it’s the side effects from lung cancer. And that was my idea”

[the secret US 'cancer' team]..went to Jackson Mental Hospital..[with] these prisoners that were going to be injected…and at that time those prisoners received the injections that were necessary to begin that terrible round of injections and x-ray, injections and x-ray..that they hoped would actually kill these people.”

The implications of Dr. Alton Ochsner’s work supervising the cancer-causing monkey viruses are a direct extension of his endeavors and fame as a rabid anti-smoking advocate –the shaping of public health policy surely has no historical equivalent in the area of legislative power and influence-peddling than the two ‘issues’ of smoking and polio. Both concerns led (and continue leading) to unprecedented policies in human behavior control, and both issues were held closely to the vest of the Carnegie and Rockefeller establishment. Following either thread of ‘smoking’ or ‘polio’ leads one directly to the core network of global dominators who used fraudulent medical science to perpetuate their plans. The effect of having this ‘forbidden history’ succeed is the enabling platform-creation for the Global War on Terror, the doubtless consolidation of ‘earthy’ power. In my view, it’s a biological program and always has been.

The Post-human agenda is merely the methodical means of diminishing select human qualities and rendering the mass of humanity into a subspecies with controllable evolutionary features, “fallen” for all intents and purposes, to never again rise up and rival it’s adversaries: those “chosen” ones who move among and beyond us. The underrated 2001 Anthrax Attack (as well as the West Nile Virus epidemic that preceeded it) as the ‘medical’ aspect of September 11, deserves intense scrutiny and deconstruction for the many fingerprints at it’s crimescenes….there, I’ve found again the entangling spidery threads of ‘life science’, depopulation, cancer and atomic weapons, on a trail of politics and ownership.

Perhaps the fascination with cancer as the great biological ‘destabilizer’ really does represent the potential of the post-human transition, as I speculated in “A Few Words About the Agenda”. Nuclear weapons, touted at their creation to be perceived as “too horrible to use” and therefore a humanitarian ”Good” for the greater future alliance in nuclear weapons prevention, did not present the truly lasting spector of endemic evil that it’s conceivers hoped for. The favorable propaganda in support of x-rays, electric generation, “peaceful uses” and the marginalization of the hazards of fallout became a victim of it’s own success.

More about Ed Haslam and Doctor Mary”s Monkey:

Jim Fetzer links a recent Ed Haslam interview on Coast to Coast with George Noory, which in the third part, has Haslam mentioning “the deep vein of power in this country”. Referring to it only as “them”, Haslam states several causes for the JFK assassination unrelated to the cancer-causing virus operations. In Haslam’s view, the virus work was an essential component in Oswald’s assassination. He believes Oswald was a special double-agent working under the secret direction of the Kennedys.

Haslam: “A huge portion of it…and let me frame it this way…We all associate lung cancer with cigarettes at this point, but when Dr. Alton Ochsner was in medical school, he was woken up in the middle of the night to go down and observe an autopsy on a man who had lung cancer because it was said that it was so rare that he would probably not see another case in his medical career –that’s how rare cancer used to be…and we have 300% more cancer than our grandparents did… I can point to about 60% of our current epidemic”

Haslam: “I have seen studies by MDs on this which say they are finding it in second generation grandchildren of the polio vaccine recipients [JL>>in other words, greatgrandchildren]…the people who got it worse got the syringe..[like] my brother and sister who both got cancer”…”It’s the elephant in the livingroom that nobody’s talking about”….”I even have an article from the New York Times..back in the sixties..that says they were withdrawing the polio vaccine until the monkey virus could be removed from it” [JL>>the timing of this should be checked for a correspondence to anuclear moratorium!]

…”you see these little chunks of evidence…[but]..this operation with the radiation in New Orleans was more like a medical Manhattan Project. That was a very tightly controlled group..and it was set up in 1960″

Noory: “This could be one of the biggest scandal stories I’ve ever heard”

Haslam: “I can’t imagine anything bigger…it’s the health and safety of everybody”

The Coast to Coast synopsis offers this:

“While researching the mysterious death of Dr. Mary Sherman, Haslam discovered that polio vaccines created in the 1950′s had been tainted with a cancer-causing virus. This contamination, he said, was detected after half of the doses, a staggering 100 million vaccines, had been administered to an unwitting public. Allegedly, the creators of the vaccine were afraid to admit the error and subsequently distributed the remaining half of the “medicine” as well. Having studied data on cancer diagnoses, Haslam noted that a “massive epidemic” of soft tissue cancers ‘erupts in the years following the polio vaccines.’ “

afraid to ADMIT the ERROR??

The Salk polio vaccine was rushed to the public, furiously banned and reinstated after Cutter Laboratory was blamed for the nondisclosed contamination, and resumed all within the test period of Operation Teapot!

–see this Atomic Weapons timeline at

It should be noted here that the public was informed that the Cutter polio vaccine was contaminated with “live polioviruses” and that Salk’s inactivation protocol had been haphazardly misapplied by Cutter and that was the given cause of the contamination. Noteworthy also is that President Kennedy was pressing for a nuclear weapons treaty with the USSR and was engaged in a surreptitious showdown with Israel over inspections at the construction site of the Dimona nuclear plant in the Negev Desert. US Intelligence had reason to believe that the Dimona power plant was only a ‘surface’ operation hiding a larger subterranean facility with weapons capabilities.

The stunning realization that emerges from matching the polio vaccine and atomic weapons timetables, is that by the 1957 Nevada bomb series Operation Plumbob, 90 million Americans had been vaccinated with the Salk IPV and were then exposed to the greatest atmospheric concentration of radioactive fallout ever generated by nuclear blasting. The vaccine creators had a full awareness of the cancer-causing ingredients. More vaccine ‘trials’, this time using the easy-to-administer oralpolio vaccines (so-called “live virus” vaccines) were arranged for populations in Northern Ireland, Siberia, Cuba and central/South Africa –all hotspots of populist resistance. Would you believe that vaccine contamination was a mistake, or do the words of Professor Fetzer chill your bones: “If you think that they wanted to kill Castro by infecting him, the United States, as a humanitarian gesture, should volunteer to share..100 million vials and inoculate the whole Cuban population”. (taken as caustic humor). That’s exactly what they did, professor, and these ‘trials’ were timed to coincide with massive radioactive fallout.

Ed Haslam grew up in New Orleans. His father was a WWII naval commander and leading professor at Tulane Medical School. In the Coast to Coast interview of April 2010, he says “I sat in Dr. Mary’s lap as a child…”. She had been a colleague of his father and a dinner guest in the Haslams’ home. The Haslams had a long and proud tradition of medicine in the family. “My father’s father..developed the original anthrax vaccine.”

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