Sunday 22 August 2010



An ancient underground city in modern Iran has been discovered, and it is dated to the ancient time of the Medes or Parthians. If the ancient Medes built it, it would have been usable afterwards by the Parthians for almost a half millennium as the Parthians conquered the territory of the Medes and ruled it for centuries. The full size of the underground city has not yet been determined as the original entrance has not yet been found. This allows for the possibility that this small city may have originally been connected to other underground “shelter” cities.

The link below opines that it may have been built as an emergency shelter to hide from warfare. That is entirely possible, and would be a logical reason for building such an underground city. The link reports that holes were carved into walls to place light fixtures and a crib has been located as well. This clearly infers that this underground structure was intended to support human life and people of many age groups. However, this underground city was found on the eastern slopes of the Zagros Mountains. It is highly unlikely this was built as a shelter from war by the Parthians as the many Parthian-Roman wars were fought on the western side of the Zagros Mountains on the Mesopotamian plains and westward (modern Iraq, Turkey or Jordan).

There is one other plausible explanation for the underground city. It may have been (or later became) a leper colony. Ancient practice included quarantining lepers into their own “colonies,” and Leviticus 13:4-5, 31, 46 include instructions to quarantine lepers and have them dwell “outside the camp” away from where uninfected people lived. The movie, Ben Hur, includes scenes showing a leper colony in the 1st century AD that was built into a mountainside cave. The Parthians were Israelites who had been exiled into Asia, but who, centuries later, built an empire which ruled over the regions and peoples of the previous empires of Assyria, Babylon and Persia. This fulfilled a prophecy in Isaiah 14:2 that the exiled Israelites would, indeed, eventually rule over the empires which had taken them into exile or had held them captive. The exiled Israelites (from the ten tribes of Israel) would surely have continued their cultural practice of quarantining lepers to stop the spread of the disease during the Parthian period as well. An underground city physically apart from normal above-ground cities would have made an ideal location for a leper colony.

The entire fascinating (and largely ignored) history of the Parthian Empire can be discovered in my book, Parthia–The Forgotten Ancient Superpower. Parthia was an ancient empire which was the equal of the Roman Empire and they were rivals for centuries. The Romans wrote an immense amount of material about the Parthians, but that wealth of historical information has been all but censored out of history text books. I wonder why? Could it be because if Parthia’s history was examined in any depth, its Israelite/Hebrew roots would be clearly seen and the Bible’s accuracy and its Divine authorship would be made evident? You can be sure the evolutionists do not want those truths to see the light of day.

This book can be ordered on-line from the publisher’s website,, or directly from me at Steven Collins, PO Box 88735, Sioux Falls, SD 57109-8735. Single copies are $20 plus $5 shipping fees for a total of $25. If ordered from me, I accept personal checks and money orders. If you read this book, you will read the Roman accounts about Parthia and you will understand what really happened to the ten tribes of Israel after their exile. Hosea 1:10 prophesied that God would vastly increase the populations of the ten tribes of Israel after they went into captivity. As those who read my book realize, God kept his promise.

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