By Hal Lindsey
The Hal Lindsey Report
Since we're fast approaching Christmas, we've decided to do something a bit out of the ordinary for the next two weeks. The particular edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report" available to you will depend on which network or local station you watch.
For those of you who watch the show on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) or, I'll present Part Two of my series called "Global Government Rising." As I showed you last week, there are powerful people and organizations right here in the United States who have been working diligently for decades to bring America under the authority of a global government. It appears they are succeeding.
They are being helped immeasurably by the global economic meltdown. The debate rages over whether the economic crisis is a result of normal market cycles and risky financial practices or it's a 'manufactured' crisis - meaning powerful financial families and institutions have intentionally caused it in order to benefit from it. Either way, the globalists are taking advantage of the fear and panic to pursue their 'one-world' agenda. If you watched "The Hal Lindsey Report" last week, you saw Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blithely tell a gathering at the European Union that the Obama Administration is using the economic meltdown to advance its agenda on climate change and energy.In the same way, the 'globalists' are using the crisis to not only lay the foundation of a one-world government, but actually create the first governing bodies in that one-world regime. And the United States is eagerly signing on with the program. On the news each night, we are actually witnessing prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes.
This week, I will examine the critical Bible prophecies that describe the events we are watching unfold today. Those prophecies also describe the two leaders who will emerge to lead the one-world government that now looms in our future.
Folks, I know I keep saying this to you, but each time I repeat it, it's even more true: Get ready! Jesus is coming soon! You see, the 'man of lawlessness' that will lead the one-world government cannot be revealed until the One who restrains him has been removed from the earth. 'The restrainer' is the Holy Spirit. And since the Holy Spirit dwells in all true believers, to remove Him from the earth means we must be removed, also. That's what we call the 'Rapture.'
Because we see the Antichrist's government now being created by the nations of the world; because we see the world plunged into financial chaos and desperately searching for a solution (which is precisely how the Antichrist will achieve worldwide control); and because we have a blow by blow blueprint of these final days provided us by the ancient prophets, I can say with authority that time is short. Make sure you've accepted the pardon that Jesus died to purchase for you. Make sure your friends and family have the opportunity to accept this pardon, too. It's the best Christmas present they will ever receive!
For those of you who watch "The Hal Lindsey Report" on Daystar Television Network, Inspiration Network, CPM Network, or various independent local stations, you will see a program that explains some little known facts about Christmas.
Each year, I receive many requests to examine the story of those mysterious 'wise men' who traveled so far to worship the new 'King of the Jews.' Who were they? How did they know to watch for a sign in the heavens? How long did they wait for that sign? Where did they come from? (Hint: it's a land that is frequently in the news today.) Why did gentiles come to worship the King of the Jews? How did God use them to preserve the Messiah's life? You'll learn the answers to all of these questions and more this week when I discuss "The Mystery of the Magi."
Not to worry, though, those of you who see "The Mystery of the Magi" this week will receive "Global Government Rising, Part 2" next week. Likewise, those of you receiving "Global Government Rising, Part 2" this week will see "The Mystery of the Magi" next week - Christmas Eve.
I pray that God will bless all of you for your faithful support of Hal Lindsey Media Ministries during 2010. 2011 promises to be even more exciting as the coming of our Savior and Lord draws near. Please continue to pray for our nation as she faces some of her darkest days ahead. Also, please continue to believe for God's blessing and provision for "The Hal Lindsey Report."
Have a wonderful and very MERRY CHRISTMAS!
[Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, Inspiration, CPM Network, various local stations,
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