Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Saint Dymphna - Cards


Saint Dymphna

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Saint Dymphna Prayer Card with Pendant - This Saint Dymphna laminated holy card comes with a pewter medal on a rhodium chain.
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Saint Dymphna Prayer Card - Pack of 100 Paper Holy Cards - This is a pack of 100 unlaminated holy cards with Prayer on Behalf of Those Afflicted with Nervous Illness on the back.
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Saint Dymphna Relic Prayer Card - This third-class relic holy card of Saint Dymphna has a picture of the saint on the front, and a prayer on the back.

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Saint Dymphna Prayer Card - This Saint Dymphna Holy Card features a picture of the saint on the front. On the back there is a prayer.
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Saint Dymphna Laminated Prayer Card - Lord Jesus Christ, You have willed that Saint Dymphna should be invoked by thousands of clients as the patroness of nervous and mental disease and have brought it about that her interest in these patients should be an inspiration to and an ideal charity throughout the world. Grant that, through the prayers of this youthful martyr of purity, those who suffer from nervous and mental illness everywhere on earth man be helped and consoled. I recommend to You in particular (Here mention those you wish to pray for.) Be pleased to hear the prayers of Saint Dumphna and of Your Blessed Mother. Give those whom I recommend the patience to bear with their affliction and resignation to do Your divine will. Give them the consolation they need and especially the dure they so much desire, if it be Your Will. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


Roger Bacon, Prophet of Teleportation


Roger Bacon.

Roger Bacon.

Who was the first prophet foreseeing antigravity technology? Jules Verne? H.G. Wells?

We might have to go all the way back 741 years to the first documented prophecy:

By a machine three fingers high and wide and of less size a man could free himself and his friends from all danger of prison and rise and descend.

The prophecy came from medieval times from an English born Franciscan monk and early seer of modern day technologies. Roger Bacon (1214?-1294), born to a wealthy family, was a rebellious and precocious youth. His education explored the scientific frontiers of his superstitious time. In Bacon’s medieval world, God was Big Brother and the theologian his infallible commissar. With big brother watching, he studied at Oxford and the University of Paris, becoming a master of alchemy, astrology, optics, astronomy and mathematics.

Bacon remains one of history’s greatest techno-prophets. One can open the yellowed and flaking pages of his Epistola de Secretis (c. 1269) and find descriptions, in clear and unmistakable language, of modern aircraft, cars, and ships, and the advent of suspension bridges, submarines, and helicopters, which he forecasts thus:

Instruments of flying may be formed in which a man, sitting at his ease and meditating on any subject, may beat the air with his artificial wings after the manner of birds.

With time, Brother Bacon felt the noose of orthodoxy tighten around him. He was sent to prison for his “suspected novelties,” where he languished for fourteen years. He died soon after his release in 1292.

Roger Bacon’s medieval reference to antigravity may have foreseen the success of current experiments with electromagnetic propulsion systems. The Japanese are making promising advances in superconductivity that could see the chief producer of greenhouse gases — the internal combustion engine — go the way of the mammoth in the next 30 years.

A superconductive levitation. Source: M. Peck/Cornell University.

A superconductive levitation. Source: M. Peck/Cornell University.

John Hogue

(29 November 2010)

Read more about the remarkable Roger Bacon and other techn0-prophets in the following book, click prophecies.


Father of Communism was Once a Christian



Did you know Karl Marx was once a professing Christian?

Did you know the architect of communism later joined a satanic cult?

Those are among the shocking revelations of a classic book, by a heroic pastor and evangelist repeatedly imprisoned and tortured by a Communist regime, that is back in print and available through the WND Superstore after decades of collecting dust.

“‘Marx and Satan,’ written by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, is a book that changed my life and my worldview,” says Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND. “Along with Whittaker Chambers’ ‘Witness,’ it is a classic 20th century title that should be read by everyone who truly wants to understand the intellectual underpinnings of Marxism.”

Here’s an excerpt Wurmbrand found in Marx’s first book, amazingly titled, “The Union of the Faithful with Christ”: “Through love of Christ we turn our hearts at the same time toward our brethren who are inwardly bound to us and for whom He gave Himself as sacrifice. …”

Are these sincere words from an honest Christian man? They certainly seem to be. Marx’s comrade, Friedrich Engels, was also a believer, and became a conservative theologian. He wrote against the liberal theologians of his time who criticized the Bible as the absolute word of God, and he also wrote a number of very sound Christian poems and hymns.

Why did Marx became a God hater who invented not only one of the worst tools of oppression to Christianity, but also to all of humanity? Why did Engels become his accomplice? The turning point in both of their lives occurred at the universities they attended when they learned of a new “Christian doctrine” called “liberal theology.” Engels was aware of the danger of this theology and even wrote against it, yet in the end was not able to conquer the error. He wrote: “I pray every day, indeed almost all day, for truth, and I have done so ever since I began to doubt, but still I cannot go back. My tears are welling as I write.”

Wurmbrand exposes how Marx, a former Christian, went on to become a hater of God and the Christian. Marx eventually joined the satanic cult of his closest comrades, and this book explains in detail the evidence of that decision.

The reader learns that Marx was initially opposed to the ideas of socialism and Communism until Moses Hess persuaded him of the usefulness they had in being agents of the destruction of mankind, which was Marx’s ultimate satanic goal. Why was Marx so bent on the destruction of mankind? We will never know for sure, but we do know what he wrote in this poem: “… I wander godlike and victorious Through the ruins of the world And, giving my words an active force, I will feel equal to my Creator.”

The parallel to Scripture is obvious.

Isaiah 14:13-14: “But you [Satan] said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;’”

Wurmbrand was the leader of the underground church of Romania who spent 14 years in the Communist prison under the palace of Nicolae Ceauşescu, the late dictator of Romania. He also spent three years in the prison hospital ward from which no one else ever left alive.

In May 1966, Wurmbrand testified in Washington before the Senate’s Internal Security Subcommittee and stripped to the waist and showed 18 deep torture wounds covering his body. His story was carried across the world newspapers in the U.S., Europe, and Asia.

“This is a book that deserves to be in the library of every truly informed and freedom-loving person in the world,” said Farah. “But, more importantly, it needs to be read.”


Israel Is at the Heart of Prophecy


Israel Is at the Heart of Prophecy

Jim Fletcher

By Jim Fletcher
Prophecy Matters
I was talking with a friend recently, and we were discussing questions we get while speaking.
One of the most popular is, “How do we know we are in the last days?” A perhaps more popular version of this question is, “How do we know Jesus is coming back soon?”
Ninety-nine percent of the time, I hear this question answered with a New Testament verse or verses. That of course is legitimate. However, there is a fascinating reference in the Old Testament, and it has become my favorite answer.
In Psalm 102:16, we read:

“When the LORD shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory.”

Preterists and others hostile to Israel and predictive prophecy answer that this must refer to Christ’s first coming. Yet…was the Lord building Zion on that electric night in Bethlehem? An emphatic “no.”
The Romans were pressing the inhabitants of the Holy Land under a dictatorial heel at that precise moment, and for a few centuries after that. In fact, after several decades of Jewish sovereignty under the leadership and aftermath of the Maccabees, who had taken control of Judea from the Seleucid Empire, that sovereignty came to an end.
In the first century, B.C., this Jewish rebel army gave way to the powerful Romans.
So at that stage of history, the Lord was not building Zion.
He has, however, been building Zion since the late 19th century, and now millions of Jews live in their ancestral land.
Logic — the great hallmark of Bible-believing Christians, and the Achilles’ Heel of the liberals — tells us that since Zion is being built-up right now, we can confidently expect the Lord to return at any time.
One of my favorite books is an obscure title from Prof. Benzion Netanyahu, entitled: Don Isaac Abravanel — Statesman and Philosopher. The 15th century financier-turned-biblical scholar was a fascinating character, a Jew who saw much of the turmoil of Jewish life in Europe at a seminal moment in history.
At one point, upon seeing the brutal and callous treatment of Jews in Spain and elsewhere, Abravanel — in order to make sense out of circumstances — turned to Scripture in order to understand what was happening. It was there he developed a thrilling and significant worldview that had as its bedrock the truth that the Bible is supernaturally inspired.
This reality of course is hateful to liberals, among them certain Christian leaders who have crept in unawares, as they say. For them, predictive prophecy is a formidable weapon that can be used against their diabolical attacks on the faith. That’s why they hate it, and why they hate the Jews.
Netanyahu, the historian, went to the heart of the matter in discussing Abravanel’s epiphany:

“The spearhead of the drive against the Jews in Spain, as against those of any other medieval country in the west, was the clergy."

Isn’t that chilling?
Do you see?
The expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 was one of those highlighted historical markers, in which human history is traced by how men have treated the Jews. And Abravanel observed up-close just who in fact led the efforts to persecute Jews: the Church.
Of course, in those days it was the Catholic Church. Although it’s a topic for another time, the Catholic involvement in this area is somewhat of a mixed bag since World War II (on the one hand, a virulent stream of anti-semitism still infects Catholicism; on the other hand, significant inroads have been made to bring Catholics and Jews together).
Today, the problem area for Jew hatred is center-left Christian leadership, and what are still legitimately evangelical leaders. I promise you, they completely loathe Psalm 102:16. This represents one side in a massive war going on today between biblical truth and paganism. Let’s look at a critical aspect of Abravanel’s emerging worldview, as told by Netanyahu:

“The position of Abravanel was thus simple and direct. It was based on his triple axiom: the Bible is the word of God; the Bible represents truth; the Bible must be taken literally before it can be interpreted symbolically.”

More on Abravanel’s epiphany:

“If the Bible is to be believed, miracles must be believed as well, and they can be explained only by God’s omnipotence, by His complete independence of nature and of matter. How can we establish the veracity of the Bible, which is threatened by the doubts placed in the miracle stories, and make it unchallengeable by the skeptics? Only by accepting creation ex nihilo, the greatest of all miracles.”

Wow, and wow. Leave it to a Middle Ages Jewish philosopher and a modern Jewish historian to hit the nail on the head. Ironically, they are giving us the principle reason young people (and people of all ages) are leaving our churches in droves.
The relationship-and-self-driven, narcissistic, lights-and-laser-show programs of the modern American church are the antithesis of a New Testament church, and therefore, of reality itself. Modern Christian leadership in America has, by and large, either capitulated to liberal scholarship, or has turned to smarmy and ultimately pointless programs that have nothing to do with teaching the Bible as the guide for life. They have let the attacks on the miracle stories of Scripture cut the guts out of faith for millions.
You might think I’ve digressed in this column, but I argue that I have not. For what is the return of the Lord if not the ultimate modern miracle? That cosmic return will tear open the fabric of time and space and provide a way of rescue for a planet that is coming apart at the seams.
He said a long time ago that when he builds up His people in their ancient land, He will come. That’s it. He will come. Again, Netanyahu, writing about Abravanel:

“His position is that the universe has been endowed by its Creator with the power to endure a limited time, at the end of which it must cease to exist.”

I’m not saying that the long-dead Abravanel, or the now 100-year-old Benzion Netanyahu believe exactly as modern, Bible-believing Christians do regarding present-day and future history. But I am saying that these ideas are shedding light on what is really going on in our world right now.
As the great prophecy teacher Tommy Ice likes to say, “Maranatha!”


Monday, 29 November 2010

Atheists Ad Blitz Calls Christmas a Myth



The Record


Drivers approaching the Lincoln Tunnel this holiday season will be the targets of an atheist advertisement that its sponsors describe as a strike against Christmas.
A billboard scheduled to be displayed near the New Jersey entrance to the tunnel until the end of the holidays shows a silhouetted manger scene with the message, “You KNOW it’s a Myth. This Season, Celebrate REASON.”
The $20,000 campaign, sponsored by a national organization called American Atheists, is timed to preempt annual accusations that liberal groups are waging war on Christmas by asking church adherents to question their holiday traditions, American Atheists President David Silverman said.
“If the religious right wants a war on Christmas, this is what they’re going to get,” he said. “If they want a war on Christmas, we’re going to make sure they know what one looks like.”
The campaign is one of several atheist media blitzes scheduled this holiday season.
It joins a $200,000 national television, newspaper and magazine advertising campaign sponsored by the American Humanist Association and the Stiefel Freethought Foundation meant to challenge biblical morality and fundamentalist Christianity.
Those ads juxtapose passages from religious texts selected because they appear to advocate for “fear, hatred and intolerance,” with quotations from humanist scholars that promote “love, equality, peace, freedom and reason,” according to a press release.
The American Humanist Association sponsored a 48-foot sign erected on the New Jersey Turnpike in 2008 that read, “Don’t Believe in God? You are not alone.”
The campaigns come on the heels of studies reporting that rising numbers of Americans identify themselves as non-religious — 15 percent in 2008 compared with 8.2 percent in 1990, according to the Trinity College American Religious Identification Survey.
The Pew Forum on Religion in Public Life reported in April, however, that of the 5 percent of its survey respondents who said they do not believe in God or a universal spirit, only 24 percent actually identified themselves as atheists.
Silverman said his group interprets such numbers as a sign that the country is on the verge of an explosive growth in secularism.
Many of those potential secularists live in the New York-New Jersey area, Silverman said. The Lincoln Tunnel billboard, one of several the organization plans in the next year, was placed where it thinks generally affluent and highly educated commuters will have plenty of time to think about it as they inch their way through one of the most chronically clogged roadways in the region.
The message is meant to address what Silverman described as closet atheists: people who attend religious services during the holidays without believing in them.
“Stay home,” Silverman said. “Don’t give the church money. Don’t give the church power. Tell the truth to your friends and families.”
Such campaigns have already received one public response from a prominent Christian organization. The New York-based Catholic League reportedly sent statues of Nativity scenes to the governors of all 50 states, asking them to place them in their rotundas in response to atheists “out in force this year trying to neuter Christmas.”
Catholic League spokesman Bill Donohue could not be reached for comment.
Newark Archdiocese spokesman Jim Goodness said he is aware of the billboard — his son passed it on his way home from a family Thanksgiving meal Thursday night — and that he isn’t impressed.
He added that the archdiocese declined an offer to buy a rival billboard, stating that it has more constructive ways to spend its money. The message of Christmas is too resilient to be threatened by a sign, Goodness said.
“We’re looking at well over 2,000 years of this message being part of humanity,” Goodness said. “One message on a billboard that’s going to be there for a month isn’t going to change that.”
E-mail: akin@northjersey.com

Drivers approaching the Lincoln Tunnel this holiday season will be the targets of an atheist advertisement that its sponsors describe as a strike against Christmas.

A billboard sponsored by the American Atheists and posted in North Bergen, on the New Jersey side of the Lincoln Tunnel, reads: 'You KNOW it's a Myth. This season, celebrate REASON.'


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A billboard sponsored by the American Atheists and posted in North Bergen, on the New Jersey side of the Lincoln Tunnel, reads: 'You KNOW it's a Myth. This season, celebrate REASON.'

A billboard scheduled to be displayed near the New Jersey entrance to the tunnel until the end of the holidays shows a silhouetted manger scene with the message, “You KNOW it’s a Myth. This Season, Celebrate REASON.”

The $20,000 campaign, sponsored by a national organization called American Atheists, is timed to preempt annual accusations that liberal groups are waging war on Christmas by asking church adherents to question their holiday traditions, American Atheists President David Silverman said.

“If the religious right wants a war on Christmas, this is what they’re going to get,” he said. “If they want a war on Christmas, we’re going to make sure they know what one looks like.”

The campaign is one of several atheist media blitzes scheduled this holiday season.

It joins a $200,000 national television, newspaper and magazine advertising campaign sponsored by the American Humanist Association and the Stiefel Freethought Foundation meant to challenge biblical morality and fundamentalist Christianity.

Those ads juxtapose passages from religious texts selected because they appear to advocate for “fear, hatred and intolerance,” with quotations from humanist scholars that promote “love, equality, peace, freedom and reason,” according to a press release.

The American Humanist Association sponsored a 48-foot sign erected on the New Jersey Turnpike in 2008 that read, “Don’t Believe in God? You are not alone.”

The campaigns come on the heels of studies reporting that rising numbers of Americans identify themselves as non-religious — 15 percent in 2008 compared with 8.2 percent in 1990, according to the Trinity College American Religious Identification Survey.

The Pew Forum on Religion in Public Life reported in April, however, that of the 5 percent of its survey respondents who said they do not believe in God or a universal spirit, only 24 percent actually identified themselves as atheists.

Silverman said his group interprets such numbers as a sign that the country is on the verge of an explosive growth in secularism.

Many of those potential secularists live in the New York-New Jersey area, Silverman said. The Lincoln Tunnel billboard, one of several the organization plans in the next year, was placed where it thinks generally affluent and highly educated commuters will have plenty of time to think about it as they inch their way through one of the most chronically clogged roadways in the region.

The message is meant to address what Silverman described as closet atheists: people who attend religious services during the holidays without believing in them.

“Stay home,” Silverman said. “Don’t give the church money. Don’t give the church power. Tell the truth to your friends and families.”

Such campaigns have already received one public response from a prominent Christian organization. The New York-based Catholic League reportedly sent statues of Nativity scenes to the governors of all 50 states, asking them to place them in their rotundas in response to atheists “out in force this year trying to neuter Christmas.”

Catholic League spokesman Bill Donohue could not be reached for comment.

Newark Archdiocese spokesman Jim Goodness said he is aware of the billboard — his son passed it on his way home from a family Thanksgiving meal Thursday night — and that he isn’t impressed.

He added that the archdiocese declined an offer to buy a rival billboard, stating that it has more constructive ways to spend its money. The message of Christmas is too resilient to be threatened by a sign, Goodness said.

“We’re looking at well over 2,000 years of this message being part of humanity,” Goodness said. “One message on a billboard that’s going to be there for a month isn’t going to change that.”

E-mail: akin@northjersey.com

Click here for more news from: North Bergen


Coming Full Circle


Jack Kelley

By Jack Kelley
After answering recent questions on the Age of Accountability, I concluded that the Q & A format doesn’t lend itself to providing a comprehensive answer. Here’s the rest of the story.
Becoming an Adult
In the Jewish culture, becoming an adult is one of the watershed events in a person’s life. At age 12 for girls and 13 for boys Jewish children reach the age of accountability. It’s a point in their life that has both spiritual and physical significance, because they’re approaching puberty at the same time. So as they make the transition from child to adult they also become responsible for their own sins.
They acknowledge their accountability in a ceremony called bat mitzvah for girls and bar mitzvah for boys. Now it’s not that children don’t sin before puberty, it’s that they’re not held accountable for their sins. Judaism teaches that fathers are responsible for the sins of their children until they come of age. That’s why in the bar mitzvah ceremony, the father will often pray in effect, “Lord thank you for giving me this son, and thank you for relieving me of any further responsibility for him.”
We see hints of this transition, and its consequences, in Romans 7:9. Being a Jew who was obviously still alive at the time, Paul wrote,

“For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died”.

(The word for without also means “apart from”.) Since he was physically alive he had to have been referring to the spiritual, or eternal life for which he had been qualified before coming of age.
The phrase “The commandment came, sin revived, and I died” means that as soon as Paul became old enough to be accountable for his sins he was scheduled for death, it being the wages of sin (Romans 6:23). The Greek word for revived indicates Paul’s sin nature had always been there, but for accountability purposes it’s like it was dormant while he was a child. As soon as he came of age, it woke up again, immediately disqualifying him from eternal life.
No official written references to the method for conducting bar or bat mitzvah ceremonies existed during Paul’s time. But the practice was obviously well known enough that Paul could expect his Gentile readers to understand what he was talking about. Since Paul was adamantly opposed to following tradition for its own sake, he must have known that belief in an age of accountability was legitimate from God’s perspective.
Reaching the age of accountability transformed children into adults but also robbed them of eternal life. Since there was no longer someone else upon whom to place the burden for their sins, they became responsible themselves and an execution order was immediately entered against them from Heaven. It took their obedience to the Law and their annual participation in the ceremonies of Yom Kippur to delay this execution, and then only if these were accompanied by the belief that God would send the promised Messiah to redeem them for good.
Becoming a Child
We get the rest of the story from the New Testament. For Christians the watershed event is likened to becoming a child. Jesus said,

“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt. 18:3)

What He meant was unless adults can somehow unburden themselves of the responsibility for their sins, there’s no way for them to enter God’s Kingdom. Since children are not held accountable for their sins, adults have to become like children.
In the very beginning of his gospel account John explained how we do that.

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God — children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. (John 1:12-13)

Believing that the Lord’s death paid the full penalty due us for our sins gives us the authority to become God’s children, and in that way we unburden ourselves of the responsibility for our sins. This is what it means to be born again.

But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. (Galatians 4:4-7)

Both this passage and Romans 8:15-17 convey the idea that adoption into the family of God is truly the most important event of our lives. God sent His son to die for our sins so we could receive the right of adoption. According to John 1:12-13 belief in Jesus gives us the authority to claim this right and when we do God adopts us as His children and we become heirs to his estate. When this happens the execution order is cancelled (Colossians 2:13-14). The responsibility for our sins is transferred to Jesus (Isaiah 53:5) and once again we’re not responsible. At that point we’re born again as a child of God and have eternal life. According to 2 Cor. 5:17 we actually become a new creation. The old has gone and the new has come. This is what happened to Paul, and has happened to every other born again believer as well.
This is not a new idea and was first acted out in the garden. Adam and Eve were created with eternal life. God told them if they disobeyed (sinned) they would die. But they disobeyed and were scheduled for death. God promised a redeemer to save them, and by believing God they were born again and restored to eternal life.
The Law is the story of death, because it wasn’t given to save anyone, but so that in trying to obey it man could see his need for a Savior (Romans 3:20). Being perfect it actually served to condemn imperfect man to death (Romans 7:10-13).
Grace is the story of life because by faith in the Redeemer man can be born again into eternal life, even though he doesn’t deserve it (Ephesians 2:8-9). By the power of the Holy Spirit, David understood this 1,000 years ahead of time when he wrote,

Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him, and in whose spirit is no deceit (Psalm32:1-2).

Only by God’s Grace can we qualify for eternal life again after losing it when we reached the age of accountability.
No place in either the Old or New Testaments is the exact age of accountability specified. The ages of 12 and 13 I mentioned above come from Jewish culture and were chosen for reasons that have more to do with tradition than the Bible. But from both these sources it’s clear that we’re all born as children of God, not responsible for our sins, and having eternal life. When we’re intellectually mature enough to understand the sin/salvation issue we become accountable for our sins and are subject to spiritual death. When we accept the Lord’s death as payment in full for all our sins, we are born again and go back to being children of God, no longer responsible for our sins, and are restored to eternal life. We’ve come full circle.


Sunday, 28 November 2010

Jews Teach Christians About Jesus



A Jewish Hebrew scholar, a self-described “former Pharisee,” is providing Christians with some startling new revelations about their faith.

Nehemia Gordon, a Semitic-language expert and one of the Dead Sea Scrolls translators, is currently in the United States, lecturing in churches and Christian Bible studies on the person he calls “the real Yeshua,” Jesus’ actual Hebrew name, which means “salvation.”

He is the author of “The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus,” a book and DVD teaching series that is causing a sensation among the Christians all over the world who are rediscovering the Hebrew roots of their faith, recognizing that Jesus was, indeed, a very Torah-observant Jew, not a Gentile who came to do away with the law.

Some of Gordon’s most important discoveries came in his translation of what he believes to be the original Hebrew text of the Gospel of Matthew.

The King James translation of Matthew 23:2-4 has befuddled Christians for hundreds of years. While Jesus indicted the Pharisees, calling them “vipers” and worse, He seems to suggest doing what they say to do in this verse: “Saying the scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat: All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not. For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.”

But, according to Gordon’s translation of the recently discovered Hebrew text of Matthew, there is a slight, but important, mistranslation of the verse – probably a result of an original error in the Greek. Some scholars believe Matthew originally wrote his gospel in Hebrew.

What it actually says, according to Gordon, is for followers to do what Moses says, not the Pharisees. When the Pharisees would sit in Moses’ seat, they would read from the first five books of the Bible – the words of Moses. Jesus, or Yeshua, was telling His disciples to heed the scriptural text and disregard the man-made teachings of the Pharisees, explains Gordon.

Gordon’s research reveals that the more “modern” Greek text of Matthew, from which the Western world’s versions were translated, depicts “another Jesus” from the Yeshua portrayed in the ancient Hebrew version of Matthew. Gordon explains the life-and-death conflict Yeshua had with the Pharisees as they schemed to grab the reins of Judaism in the first century, and brings that conflict into perspective for both Jew and Christian alike.


Saturday, 27 November 2010

Little Horn Bible Prophecy Essay Study Relating to Great Tribulation


The depths of biblical prophecy and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ go deep and into many layers, but at the same time understandable with the Spirit of God as our teacher. The three and one-half years which can begin at anytime according to the book of Daniel and other bible studies and resources on this, The Great Tribulation website.  Studies of

  • the ‘mark of the beast’ and ‘image of the beast’
  • Babylon the Great
  • the abomination of desolation,
  • the Antichrist
  • the seven trumpets
  • the revealing of the four horsemen
  • the two witnesses
  • the most often misunderstood ‘rapture’
  • Israel’s role
  • broken Seals

The below is a short article on the tribulation, or pertaining to the tribulation for sure on the Little Horn

The Apocalypse Chronicles


The unprovoked, and seemingly illogical attack by North Korea this week of a South Korean island may not be at all what it appears to be. In view of the fact that North Korea enjoys close relations with the nations of Iran and Syria, and has been commercially active in arming the Islamic states with North Korean missile and nuclear technology for some time, it is a distinct possibility the recent North Korean attack was actually a military ruse designed to pull US military assets away from the Persian Gulf. This would be a further indicator the Middle Eastern theater, as opposed to the Pacific, is about see an all out military clash.

Those following the Christian Media perspective on the Middle East already know we see the region as very close to an all out conflict — a war which will have devastating repercussions — as we believe the Israeli state has already been placed in the position that they must virtually destroy Iran, Syria, and Lebanon. This will be yet another layer of fulfillment of the Little Horn prophecies, in which a smaller horn of power uproots 3 adjacent nations.

For those unfamiliar with the problem, in Daniel 8 we see a picture of the 3rd kingdom of the ancient timeline – Greece. This chapter plainly tells us the “king of Grecia” (who was undoubtedly Alexander the Great), will crush his predecessor, which was the Persian Empire. This sequence is consistent with Daniel’s 2nd chapter (the statue dream of Nebuchadnezzar) where the four ancient kingdoms of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome are prophesied to sequentially come to power.

The problem is, in Daniel 8 the Little Horn arrives after Alexander, but well before the Roman power — which has the 10 horns that arrive before the Little Horn in Daniel 7. Thus, in one passage the Little Horn arrives after the fourth and final kingdom, but in another chapter he arrives before the fourth kingdom. I believe I now have the answer to that perplexing question.

The reader will remember when Alexander dies he is succeeded by four generals (seen as “four notable ones” in Daniel 8), and the Scripture tells us “out of one of them came forth a little horn…” (Daniel 8:9).

When we place this prophecy in its proper context, we can see there is a previously unseen dimension to these prophecies that applies to our time – and it is the reason why the prophet Daniel sees two versions of the “Little Horn.” The ancient Jewish people were told, through Daniel, there would be three powerful military powers that would successively dominate the nations. These were seen in Daniel’s 2nd chapter with the head of gold (Babylon), the arms of silver (the Persian Union), and the brass belly (the Grecian Empire).

When each of these three sequential kingdoms has conquered everyone and everything around them, the greatest enemy the Jewish people ever see will arrive in the form of the Little Horn. After the third kingdom of Greece loses its great leader, his kingdom will be divided among four clusters of power, and we know those were Syria in the North, Egypt in the South, India and Asia to the East, and Greece/Macedonia to the West.

The prophecy tells the Jews this Antichrist figure, this “Little Horn,” will come out of one of the four power centers that succeeded Alexander’s kingdom. It’s not difficult to identify Antiochus Epiphanes as the Syrian king that brutalized Judaea, as his evil persecutions of the Jewish people are legendary. Antiochus is the famous despot that slaughtered a pig on the altar in Jerusalem in 167 BC – an event that many have closely associated with the Abomination of Desolation.

What is fascinating to realize is the simple fact that the arrival of Israel’s true Messiah, Jesus Christ, is plainly predicted to occur after that hideous dictator is thrust into power. To put it another way, Daniel has told the Jews there will be three huge military powers and conflicts (think three world wars), which will be followed by the counterfeit messiah, and murderous king that seeks to usurp the role of the Saviour. His reign will be “tribulational,” but then the true Saviour will arrive!

For more on the Little Horn prophecies and the rest of the article on tribulation, see the essay The Little Horn Revisited.

As we study the Book of Revelation and see more signs of the end, there is Salvation in Jesus Christ as end of the world is approaching.




I believe God's merciful love is revealed in response to a cry from the heart—not just any cry, but a humble cry for deliverance. The Bible has much to say about this cry from the heart. "In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God; he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears" (Psalm 18:6).

"Many times did he deliver them; but they provoked him with their counsel, and were brought low for their iniquity. Nevertheless he regarded their affliction, when he heard their cry" (Psalm 106:43-44).

You can be sure that a cry to God will always be answered by a healing word from heaven! No one is too wicked or too hopeless if he reaches out to God in humility. The story of the wicked King Manasseh proves it! The Bible says he was one of the most wicked kings of Israel. "And he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord… For he built up again the high places which Hezekiah his father had destroyed; and he reared up altars for Baal…and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served them…. And he made his son pass through the fire…and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards; he wrought much wickedness in the sight of the Lord” (2 Kings 21:2-6).

"So Manasseh made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to err, and to do worse than the heathen.… And the Lord spake to Manasseh, and to his people; but they would not hearken" (2 Chronicles 33:9-10).

Is there hope for someone who gets so far from God, so possessed by evil and darkness? Yes, if he will humble himself, and confess and believe Christ’s victory at the cross. Manasseh ended up a prisoner in a foreign nation, bound with chains. What a vivid picture of the wages of sin. But in his affliction, he cried out and God heard him, forgave him, and restored him.

"And when he was in affliction, he besought the Lord his God, and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers, and prayed unto him; and he was entreated of him, and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord he was God” (2 Chronicles 33:12-13).

“And he took away the strange gods, and the idol out of the house of the Lord, and all the altars that he had built in the mount of the house of the Lord, and in Jerusalem, and cast them out of the city” (v. 15).

The word of hope, forgiveness, mercy, love and restoration is for you! Heed his Word, repent, and then be made whole and walk with the Lord! There is no sin that can’t be forgiven—no one is too far down to be healed and restored.


Friday, 26 November 2010

Coptic Rite



The liturgical rite used by the Coptic Church. It has three forms, that of Saint Cyril, Saint Gregory of Nazianzus, and Saint Basil. They differ only in the Anaphoras (Canons). The Anaphora of Saint Cyril, also called Saint Mark’s, together with the part common to all, is a duplicate of the Greek Saint Mark. When the translation into Coptic was made, certain well-known Greek forms were retained, but were written in Coptic characters. At present Saint Basil’s Liturgy is used on Sundays, weekdays, and for requiems; Saint Gregory’s on certain great feasts; and Saint Cyril’s during Lent and on Chrismas Eve.


Video Thanks be to you Mother - Visual Documentary of Medjugorje


Enjoy it!


Thursday, 25 November 2010

The prophet Jonah's visions



Fri, 2010-09-03


Janie Garza

The prophet Jonah's visions

Visits of the prophet Jonah to Janie Garza
September 3rd – 11th, 2010

Day 1, September 3rd, 2010.
The prophet Jonah came to me.
He said, “Daughter of God, do not be afraid of what you will see, for this is God’s plan for you.”
I said, “With all due respect, I don’t understand why God wants me to see all these sufferings that frighten me.”
He answered, “Trust God; that is all that is asked of you.”

Then he showed me in a vision where I saw TOTAL CHAOS.

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Prophetic Visions - The prophet Jonah's visions

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Turmoil and suffering all around



Thu, 2010-09-02


Janie Garza

Turmoil and suffering all around

Message of the Archangels to Janie Garza
September 2nd, 2010

ST. MICHAEL SAID, “Behold, beloved of the Father, we, the Three Archangels, bring you guidance from heaven.
Ponder all that we share with you.
Behold the vision before you.”

In the vision I saw a man but I could not make out who he was.
I asked St. Michael, “Who is he and why is he walking towards me ?”

St. Michael answered, “He is the PROPHET JONAH.”
I asked, “Why is he here?

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Prophetic Voices - Turmoil and suffering all around

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Thanksgiving and Turkey


What? Me worry? Hogue’s a vegan who eats eggs.

What? Me worry? Hogue’s a vegan who eats eggs.

Happy Thanksgiving holiday to you, if you are not a turkey, but still celebrate being thankful this moment for the good that happens to you and the goodness you share with others. It doesn’t matter really that this Holiday marks an apocalypse for Native Americans. President Lincoln made it official — a rare and happy use of his presidential powers during the darkest years of the Civil War.

Thanksgiving is based on white pilgrims come to this New World (well, new to them at least) in the 17th century unprepared for a hard winter in what they renamed “New England” without asking their neighbor’s permission or interested in what the native Americans surrounding them had called the place for millennia. The Caucasian setters were saved by the agricultural and game hunting aid of Native American neighbors so that as the new colony watched a second approach the Pilgrims had so much food in stock for it that they could prepare a bountiful feast of Thanksgiving, inviting their saviors, the generous “Indians” to share.

The same natives they would wipe out in ensuing years. Details, devilish details… The whites were “puritan” the natives less than that, savages anyway. Sort of like what Nazi’s thought about the Jews.

In an alternative telling of this story, imagine if the New World actually “had” been populated by the lost tribe of Israel as the Book of Mormon proposed. Let’s say we replace black-clothed Puritans with black uniformed SS colonists coming to anchor at Plymothstein (aka Plymouth Rock for you Neuer Englanders). The kosher natives helped the German Cologne-ists get through the winter. The Nazis offered them sauerkraut and turkey not on the last but the first Thursday in some unknown date in the 17th century when first Thursday fell on 9 November (the date for the Nazi Kristallnacht hundreds of years later on). Once fed, giving thanks to their Nordic Gods, this new bunch of racially “Puritan” volke in the ensuing years unleashed a holocaust on these Jewish Indians, putting the survivors in concentration camps (actually Hitler got the idea of such camps from reading translations of American Westerns as a boy — Indian reservations to be exact).

I know this is quite a metaphorical shift for white folk to digest with the gravy and yams on Thanksgiving Day, but then, your pale-faced ancestors won that war of genocide a few years after Thanksgiving dessert. Be thankful there was no Nuremberg Trial to pin blame on your lucky ancestors.

It takes no Nostradamus to predict how my comments today will put some of you off but please don’t let my blog today become the source of further holiday heartburn. Don’t feel guilty. Just understand how Native Americans view your Thanksgiving Holliday as Jews might view some alternative future wherein Nazi Germany won the Second World War and celebrated Kristallnacht (the night of the broken glass) with some sugared myth of thanksgiving Jewish help.

Though Jews had been the colonists in Germany, the fact is they had enriched its culture, arts and scientific discoveries. Germany is also the land of Einstein, Heinrich Heine, Freud and Korngold. (You might recall the romantic music of the latter in Errol Flynn movies like Robin Hood and Captain Blood. He remained in Hollywood when Nazis absorbed Austria into the Third Reich).

It was on Kristallnacht that the Jewish Holocaust officially began when storm troopers went on a rampage across Germany, breaking Jewish shop windows and burning synagogues on 9 November 1938.

Understanding is a blessing, from which compassion comes. I would rather celebrate Thanksgiving because I have the strength to accept that many of our holidays are based on myths and white washes of history by those who dominate or brutalize then steal the life or holidays as trophies. The Jews no doubt stole holidays and cultural elements from the people they also wiped out, the Canaanites, the Moabites, who were already living in their “promised land” but in their religious dogmas God told the Hebrew to wipe out. The Black Hills of South Dakota are called the sacred lands of the Lakota Sioux. It’s impolite to remind them they invaded and bullied the Cheyenne from there before a bigger bully (the whites) pushed them out too.

Every culture, people have tried to white wash or ennoble their crimes. I am thankful that I can see this, and thankful that the ego imposed over my soul, just like egos of Puritan of Nazi, Jew, of Sioux, of Cheyenne, of Caucasian, red Indian are not who we eternally and blissfully are. They are passing masks that we wear in our masked holidays but I am thankful to understand that we are more than our masks and many mistakes. We are always born new to each new moment and the soul that masks suppress cannot forever affix themselves falsely on our original face.

Now to Turkey…

This morning I had to find an hour I cannot afford to lose from finishing editing on Predictions for 2011 to answer Ahu’s five questions for an interview that will appear sometime soon in a Turkish paranormal magazine called Yeni Aktuel. Because it will be published in Turkish and no doubt require edit cuts, I wanted to share with my readers my original and uncut English response to Ahu’s five questions:

1. Can you tell about yourself, how did you first discover your psychic powers and how did you become interested in the writings of Nostradamus?

JH: Call me “Rogue Scholar”. I have done enough work to be a Rhodes scholar, but early on, I concluded that the higher education systems of the world decorate our stupidity with intellectual knowledge. They don’t teach us wisdom. Look at the world… I rest my case.

So, I chose to be a disciple of the “University of Life.” Being self-educated and allowed to study life with a multi-dimensional mindset, allows me to be a free thinker and not be too beholden to dogmatic systems. One of these systems of belief say that a psychic sensitivity is something special, or better, more special than all the other miracles of mind and sense we take for granted.

If one can understand the predictable nature of our conditioned minds and personalities, one can see this predictability factor working on everyone else. One then sees the patterns of past history, repeating themselves in the future. I have always felt that history teachers do not concentrate on this root lesson: “What makes us repeat the miserable past in the miserable future?”

By applying the science of self-observation (meditation and “quietude”, as you might call it in the Muslim faith) I have found a way back to glimpses of that which is not a part of the conditioned mind — that of the witnessing soul. If one reawakens a lost memory of being a soul and then applies that remembrance to every moment of life, waking and sleeping, 24/7, one can begin to live life outside of being a part of the predictable human herd. One can also help others to break free of this “Antichrist Unconscious” force. That is my work. I use prophecy as only one of my devices. My real interest is getting you back to the point in the eternity of the present where the future is born, and then change that future for something more life affirmative.

2. Do you make your predictions just based on the writings of Nostradamus or do you have your own prophecies? Can you name some events that you predicted correctly? Also i am not much informed about Nostradamus’ predictions though i remember reading a couple of lines around 1995 about September 11 attacks. What can you say about his predictions that happened as he stated centuries ago?

JH: I have my own predictions as well as interpret the predictions of others. As I am free to expand my expertise beyond traditional mindsets, I believe one cannot have the authority to talk about this subjective study without the “subject” (the investigator) also having some direct experience of divination. In short, someone who has not loved cannot write about the experience. So it is with prophecy.

I have made US presidential predictions based on intuition reading the popular vote since 1968. I am currently 11 and 0. I compose an almanac of prophecies for each new year. In them I have had a number of documented successes, including foreseeing the Great Recession a year before it happened, annual world weather predictions that range around 95 percent accuracy. I predicted Obama’s Afghanistan surge and the 18 month deadline he would put on it months before he had his Pentagon meetings to decide strategic policy. The sensitivity of my oracle runs close to the heart of Mother Nature, who is now in peril because of our abuse. Rather than appear boastful, I suggest your readers check my documented and dated predictions, which I’ve kept online since 1999 at Hogueprophecy.com. You can also read my many print and electronic books on these subjects, see book store.

As for the 9/11 attacks, I’m on record evolving an interpretation since 1983 about a terrorist attack coming to New York City from the air that I saw in the cryptic lines of two quatrains (Century 10 Quatrain 49 and Century 6 Quatrain 97). I paraphrase here: They speak of great “hollow mountains” in the garden of the world, plunged into a tub. There is a huge, scattered fireball described over a new great city, not existing in Nostradamus’ time. He put this city at latitude 45. A great scattered flame erupts from an attack coming from the sky, the day the victims are seeking verification from the French that an attack is imminent. Hollow mountains are the twin towers. Latitudes were not accurate in the 16th century so Nostradamus is off a bit but there is no great city called “new” (York) created since his lifetime that comes as close as New York. Also, New Jersey, over which the second jet hit the South Tower on its terminal approach is called “The Garden State” (Garden of the world…) French intelligence was warning American intelligence the day before the attack that it was coming. The hollow mountains plunged into their own “cuue” — a boiling cauldron, in modern terms a “tub.” The designers of the World Trade Center called the eight floor deep, watertight foundation of the twin towers “the tub”.

3. As the year 2011 is approaching everyone is talking about global warming, floods, earthquakes and volcano eruptions. Are they coming to an end any time soon or is it just the beginning? Some astrologers state that after planet Neptune goes into Pisces, Japan and some other islands, countries will remain under water. Do you see some upcoming disasters for any countries or cities? Also i wonder; in 1999 Izmit (very close to Istanbul) was hit by a 7.6 magnitude earthquake, did Nostradamus also predict that?

JH: He did. These disasters are the primary theme of Predictions for 2010 and Predictions for 2012, the book I am currently writing. These weather and natural disasters will intensify, because Mother Nature has declared war on our bad habits. Even earthquakes are a call of the earth to listen. If we heed these calls of disaster upon us and change our ways, restore balance to her feverish climate, and then the disasters will stop. At the moment, human beings are only giving words to real change of their bad habits, such as that travesty last year, the Copenhagen accords. That will go down as equal to the Munich Pact of 1938. We are making pacts of appeasement with our unconsciousness that could lead to the unraveling of the human world by the 2020s. I would hope that Turkey, which is now enjoying a new rise of power, wealth and regional influence, could lead the Middle East to a more positive future. That it could help its Arab neighbors establish a common market to increase prosperity but at the same time do so in an earth friendly manner. Turkey holds the key to a future Armageddon coming from a battle over water. Find a way, Turkish people, to balance and return the water you take from the Tigris and Euphrates. You need that water, but pay for it by investments in water purification plants for your parched neighbors downriver because war comes to the region from water disputes in the 2020s and not from some misinterpretation of Biblical and Mahdi prophecies.

4. What can you say about some other world events like country politics, world economics, gold prices, UFO encounters, World War III, peace in the Middle East etc. for the year 2011?

JH: Read the above. I will add that Neptune going into Pisces in April 2011, then going back into Aquarius around August 2011 before moving forward again into Pisces, its home sign, will indeed be the cause of major seismic quakes and tsunamis but your astrologers exaggerate when they predict Japan and other islands and lands sinking under the seas. Won’t happen. But certainly there’s going to be floods, tidal waves, tsunamis, a very violent Typhoon and Hurricane season coming in 2011: all are mentioned in detail in my upcoming Predictions for 2011.

5. My last question is about 21 December 2012. You know some believe that life on earth will end on this particular day. What do you think of this, what’s waiting for us?

JH: We have a children’s story about Chicken Little. A piece of roof fell on his little head and he thought the end of the world was coming and excited all the other farm animals by flapping around freaking out yelling, “The Sky is Falling!!!” The Mayan Calendar is a remarkable ancient calculation of vast periods of time, but it is off by 13 years. What people expect to change, the 5,000-year cycle of the Maya, has already changed and rebooted between the Winter Solstices of 1998 and 1999. The world didn’t end.

Nostradamus made many dated prophecies. He has his history of the future ending in the year 3797 c.e. Nostradamus actually mentioned the year 1999 as pivotal in his prophecies. Not a beginning of the end, but a beginning of the world we have known. Many time calendars of the ancients are rebooting. 2012 is only one in a crowd of these but change even in quickening times is gradual. The world isn’t ending in 2012. It is just one year in 100 years of the coming upheaval and evolutionary crisis of a human race that now must grow up and become a spiritually and materialistically balance “new humanity.”

Since that New Human lives a life rooted in the present, you can, at any moment become a part of that new humanity by applying your meditative consciousness to all the habits and programs society has burdened you with that take you out of living in the here and the now. Began that sacred work of remembering your true self every moment and you are “right now” giving birth to the bright and blissful future of the New Humanity.

John Hogue




"Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk" (John 5:8). This crippled man at the Pool of Bethesda may have thrilled to stories of Jesus going about the land healing. He may have heard other stories of Jesus, but he did not know him personally. He was trapped in his infirmity and did not recognize the Lord. But Jesus knew all about him! Jesus had come to him in his misery and sorrow, and mercy was about to spring forth! The Lord was touched with the feelings of this poor man's infirmity and all he asked of him was to believe his Word and act on it. "Rise! Take up your bed! Walk away from this scene!"

Later, after the man’s healing, Jesus would find him in the temple and talk with him. He would get to really know Jesus and trust him. But now, lying by the pool helpless and in despair, he faced the biggest decision of all his painful years. A word of resurrection hope had come to him and he was being challenged: Rise by faith and be made whole, or lie there in self-pity and die alone!

The man could have continued to lie by the pool in disbelief, refusing to move, thinking to himself, "It won't work. Why would God pick me out of this multitude to heal? I'm destined to die in this condition." Jesus could not have raised him up against his will. The man had to believe that his cries had been heard and his time for deliverance had come. It was now or never!

"Then answered Jesus and said unto them [Jews], Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. For the Father loveth the Son, and showeth him all things that himself doeth; and he will show him greater works than these, that ye may marvel" (John 5:19-20).

In essence, Jesus was saying to the doubters, "My Father wanted him healed, so I healed him. I do only what my Father wills." It was God's will, God's love, God's desire, to make this man completely whole.

It is difficult to believe God still loves you when you are down and weak! When years have been wasted; when sin has crippled your body and soul; when you feel worthless and displeasing to God and wonder why he would even still care. It takes child-like faith to accept that love, step out in faith and say, "Lord, on your word alone I will arise and walk—with you!"

You don't have to understand all the doctrines about repentance, sin and righteousness. You may not even know Jesus in a deep and meaningful way! But there is time for that; it will all be made known if you take the first step of obedience, rise up, and turn to the Lord. "If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine" (John 7:17).


Thankful To Who, For What?


Tomorrow is another wonderful Thanksgiving day. For most Americans it is an opportunity to be reunited with family and friends who we don’t get to see as often as we would like. We will overeat, fall asleep on the couch and then eat some more. Football will be on the big screens of some homes. Early Christmas movies will light the screens of others. We will hug and smile and feel the warmth of loved ones while the crisp air outside bites against the window.

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like the atmosphere of Thanksgiving and all that it promises. I just wonder, as we gather for our meal together and look into the eyes of people who mean so much, what will we be most thankful for? To whom will we direct those thoughts of gratefulness?

In the difficult days that Americans live in, as jobs are uncertain and just getting food on the table is about all that many can manage. How far have we drifted from our once bright and hopeful ancestors? When the ships landed on the new soil of America and the weary travelers unloaded their belongings with the hope that this new place in their life would afford them the freedoms they had been denied across the great oceans that carried them. Half of all those who made the journey to this new land called America did not survive the first winter here. Conditions were so difficult that many probably wondered why they had given what they had in a distant land, to arrive here in the harshness of this new place.

Gathered around the meager sustenance they could manage, much of which was provided by their new native American friends, the mixed multitude of so many different kinds of souls bowed their heads and gave thanks on that first Thanksgiving day. They thanked God. They believed that the One who had created all things had also provided all that they possessed. There was no doubt that there was a God, there was no uncertainty of His hand of providence that had guided them, even in the uncertainty of their future. They were certain of Him and were thankful to Him for whatever they had and they sat down to enjoy it all on that first Thanksgiving day.

When I hear people wish each other “Happy Thanksgiving”, I wonder just who it is they are lifting their thanks to? Have they pondered the depth of their own spirit and realized that they were created by someone who obviously loves them very much? Have they taken each day with the perils, poisons and passions and laid their head on their pillow at night to feel the warmth of His presence with them through every step?

When I look into the beautiful face of my sweet wife and my now grown sons, I see light and life springing forth from every blessing that I could have ever imagined or desired. I understand that whatever I have, the need of those things was known to my God before He ever fashioned me, or provided for me on that particular day. I have no other place to rest my Thanksgiving, but upon the lap of a Father who once gave me His only Son. A Father who looked down past the ages of time, into the window of eternity and gazed at my face and whispered: “Do you know how much I Love You?”

I am the beneficiary of His extravagant love and mercy. I have known the sensation of feeling by sins fly away and all guilt pass from me. I bask in pure joy because of Him and feel peace in my soul because He paid such a high price for my happiness.

It is to you my great and loving Father in heaven that I direct all my thankfulness and deep gratitude. Thank you for giving your precious Son Jesus and for displaying to me how deep, how wide, how unlimited your Love is for all of us.

It is to You that I am thankful, and it is for all that I have gained and lost and given away to others so that they could know your love, that I offer up my most sincere and loving thanks. All those who feel the same sense of deep gratitude add their names Father to this list and we present these to you in this Thanksgiving day, November 25, 2010.

We are watching for you Jesus, come soon…

Rob Robinson


Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Be of cheerfull hearts



Thu, 2007-12-20


Michael Joyce

Be of cheerfull hearts

Message to Michael Joyce
December 20th, 2007

« My children, be of cheerful heart for I am very near to you; so near in fact that I know you better than you know yourselves, for it is in your hearts that I dwell.
I am the One who has CREATED you.
I am the One who has REDEEMED you.
I am the One who SANCTIFIES you.
I am the One who draws you to Myself and molds you into My perfect
I am the cause of your joy.
I am always near.
I am with you in conflict and in trial.
I am with you in victory and in defeat.

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Prophetic Voices - Be of cheerfull hearts

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Is My People lost ?



Fri, 2007-11-16


Michael Joyce

Is My People lost ?

Message to Michael Joyce
November 16th, 2007

SEE: Romans 3:10-11 “There is no just man, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one in search of God.”

« My people are lost.
Vast throngs of My children have turned away from Me.
I long to Father them.
There is NO ONE to shepherd them.
Many are lost due to IGNORANCE of who I am through their own fault.

Many look for answers but are NOT satisfied with the truth because they choose a lifestyle that is in opposition to truth.

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Prophetic Voices - Is My People lost ?

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Arrested in America for Preaching the Gospel


Russ Jones

A pastor in Wichita, Kansas, heads to court today to defend himself against charges involving his efforts to witness for Christ outside a mosque.

Pastor Mark Holick says the incident in late August occurred as members of the Islamic Society of Wichita were marking the holy month of Ramadan. Police were called when Islamists witnessed Holick and 13 others handing out packets that included the Gospel of John, the Book of Romans in English and Arabic, and a DVD with testimonies of former Muslims who have converted to Christianity.

Holick claims he was basically ignored by the arresting officer. “I asked him, ‘What am I being charged with?’ — and he wouldn’t answer me,” the pastor tells OneNewsNow. “And I asked him a second time and I asked him a third time…and neither time would he even respond to me.”

Mark Holick (pastor, Spirit One Christian Ctr, Wichita)The Kansas pastor, who was ultimately charged with loitering and failure to disburse, is no stranger to controversy. In 2009 he won a $10,000 judgment after the City of Wichita admitted it had violated his civil rights when he was arrested for witnessing on a public city sidewalk during a homosexual event at a nearby park.

“It’s really good for Christians to see what has really happened to our court system,” he shares, “because if you haven’t gone through it before, you really have no idea what it has become. But I think it’s going to be good at trial, regardless of the verdict.”


It seems almost unbelievable that any American Citizen could find themselves in handcuffs and under arrest for simply preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Doesn’t the first amendment guarantee the right to free speech, which includes the right to tell someone about your faith? Every time I read a story such as this one that happened in Kansas, it brings me to the realization that before Jesus returns American Christians may find themselves arrested in their own church for simply assembling to worship God.

During the period of history in which the church of Smyrna existed, 100 to 313 A. D., Foxes Book of Martyrs records that over five million Christians were killed during the reign of ten separate Roman Emperors for simply worshiping Jesus Christ.

Jesus promised this church that if they would be faithful to Him even unto death, they would receive the “Crown of Life” and that they would not be hurt by the “Second Death”.

Revelation 2:10 “Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”

The “Ten Days” that Jesus refers to here, were ten periods of intense persecution under these Roman Emperor’s:

1. Nero (54-68)

2. Domitian (95-96)

3. Trajan (104-117)

4. Marcus Aurelius (161-180)

5. Septimus Severus (200-211)

6. Maximinus (235-237)

7. Decius (249-251)

8. Valerian (257-260)

9. Aurelian, (270-275)

10. Diocletian (303-313)

Those who lived during the reign of terror of these ten Roman Rulers most likely were living casual lives a Christians before they were called upon to take a stand for what they believed about Jesus. It is during those moments of intense trial that most who call on the name of the Lord will turn back to Jesus from a lukewarm relationship and find that they will not turn away from the Lord, even in the midst of intense persecution.

Persecution and trials, even those that have led to the death of the believer, have never hurt the church but instead have served to cause the church to grow. When we see others suffering for simply believing in Jesus, it causes something within us to swell up and rise to the surface to live for Jesus in a ways we had not experienced previously. It is good to hear about the plight of those who are suffering today for their faith in Jesus Christ as it will motivate us to be ready for our turn when we are called to take a stand for Jesus and live the life of faith no matter what the cost.

Are you ready to live for Jesus not matter what the cost?

Rob Robinson


Is North Korea Mentioned in Prophecy?


Jack Kelley

By Jack Kelley
Q. A recent news headline has reported that “In secret and with remarkable speed, North Korea has built a new, highly sophisticated facility to enrich uranium, raising fears that the North is ramping up its atomic program.” Since they are not in the list of nations specifically mentioned in either Psalm 83 or Ezekiel 38-39, how does North Korea fit into end times prophecy (as an individual nation) or do they?
A. Neither North nor South Korea is mentioned by name in the Bible. The same is true of most other nations of the world. Some believe the concept of nation-states will soon disappear and under the reign of the anti-Christ the world will be divided into 10 regions each under the supervision of a “King”. If this is the case, Korea might by included with Japan, China, and others in the reference to the “Kings of the East” in Rev. 16:12.


Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Video [ENG, ITA] The Faith of Claudia Koll


Faith Claudia Koll

Famous Italian actress Claudia Koll, who made her cinematic debut in Tinto Brass' movie "Cosí fan tutte" in 1992, tells the story of her conversion to the Christian faith.

"Until recently I thought I was a woman who loved and loved a lot, a passionate woman who consumed stories because in reality they were never enough."

"I had to go through love experiences to understand the difference."

"When you least deserve it, the Lord enters into your life and rebuilds you with his grace, he places you on your feet and gives a new life. This is profoundly touching. Love given freely is touching."

This love, she explains, changed more than just her personal life:

"It changed my professional life because I have grown as a human being. My encounter with God has made me grow as a person."

"I understood that the love I had always searched for along the wrong roads was in fact the love that I desired in my heart because it is the love that every heart desires the presence of God."

"So I began to savor life and to understand that the Lord encouraged me to live and to live without fear because he was at my side."

Currently Koll continues working in theatre, cinema and television, however from a new perspective that seeks the artistic value of the human person's work and dignity.

With the Association of the Works of the Father, she participates in the apostolate of Africa volunteering in favor of children who suffer from cancer and other forms of evangelization.

She is a teacher at the Star Rose Academy, a new organization in Rome dedicated to the professional artistic education of young talents.

The soundtrack "No Puedo" won the 61 ° International Festival of Salerno. Interpreted by Maximo de Marc


Signs of the Last Days: Young People Leaving the Church


This recent article by Drew Dyck is a eye opening report on the urgent need for the church to get back in the business of making the real Jesus know to our young people and not just providing a fun social environment for them at church. Too many churches today are spending much of their valuable time with our youth in trying to keep them entertained so that they are not lost to the world. As it turns out, we are loosing them to the world anyway.

What young people are searching for is the same thing they have always been searching for: Genuine Love. Like adults, young people just want to love and be loved and find out what their purpose in this life is. I have witnessed the churches effort to provide a fun environment for the youth without bringing them closer to Jesus by keeping them in the Word of God.

What attracted me to the church and eventually to Jesus Christ when I found Him at 19 years of age was an amazing environement of solid verse by verse Bible teaching from men who had integrity in their life. They were not only teaching the Word of God, they were living it. That example is what drew me into a close relationship with Jesus. I think that this is missing in the Church today, but it is not too late to turn it around.

The following article is very revealing and should give all of us pause to remember to pray for our youth and those youth pastors who are trying to minister to them.


Drew Dyck

Some striking mile markers appear on the road through young adulthood: leaving for college, getting the first job and apartment, starting a career, getting married—and, for many people today, walking away from the Christian faith.

A few years ago, shortly after college, I was in my studio apartment with a friend and fellow pastor’s kid. After some small talk over dinner, he announced, “I’m not a Christian anymore. I don’t know what happened. I just left it.”

An image flashed into my mind from the last time I had seen him. It was at a Promise Keepers rally. I remembered watching him worship, eyes pinched shut with one slender arm skyward.

How did his family react to his decision? I asked. His eyes turned to the ground. “Growing up I had an uncle who wasn’t a Christian, and we prayed for him all the time,” he said wistfully. “I’m sure they pray for me like that.”

About that time, I began encountering many other “leavers”: a basketball buddy, a soft-spoken young woman from my church’s worship team, a friend from youth group. In addition to the more vocal ex-Christians were a slew of others who had simply drifted away. Now that I’m in my early 30s, the stories of apostasy have slowed, but only slightly. Recently I learned that a former colleague in Christian publishing started a blog to share his “post-faith musings.”

These anecdotes may be part of a larger trend. Among young adults in the U.S., sociologists are seeing a major shift taking place away from Christianity. A faithful response requires that we examine the exodus and ask ourselves some honest questions about why.

Sons of ‘None’

Recent studies have brought the trend to light. Among the findings released in 2009 from the American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS), one stood out. The percentage of Americans claiming “no religion” almost doubled in about two decades, climbing from 8.1 percent in 1990 to 15 percent in 2008. The trend wasn’t confined to one region. Those marking “no religion,” called the “Nones,” made up the only group to have grown in every state, from the secular Northeast to the conservative Bible Belt. The Nones were most numerous among the young: a whopping 22 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds claimed no religion, up from 11 percent in 1990. The study also found that 73 percent of Nones came from religious homes; 66 percent were described by the study as “de-converts.”

Other survey results have been grimmer. At the May 2009 Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, top political scientists Robert Putnam and David Campbell presented research from their book American Grace, released last month. They reported that “young Americans are dropping out of religion at an alarming rate of five to six times the historic rate (30 to 40 percent have no religion today, versus 5 to 10 percent a generation ago).”

There has been a corresponding drop in church involvement. According to Rainer Research, approximately 70 percent of American youth drop out of church between the age of 18 and 22. The Barna Group estimates that 80 percent of those reared in the church will be “disengaged” by the time they are 29. Barna Group president David Kinnaman described the reality in stark terms:

“Imagine a group photo of all the students who come to your church (or live within your community of believers) in a typical year. Take a big fat marker and cross out three out of every four faces. That’s the probable toll of spiritual disengagement as students navigate through their faith during the next two decades.”


Prophecy Matters


Jim Fletcher

By Jim Fletcher
Prophecy Matters
New polling data suggests that four-in-10 Americans now believe marriage has outlived its usefulness. Merely living together is a growing phenomenon — unheard of even a generation ago. Imagine our great-grandparents living in such a world!
There are myriad reasons but fundamentally, a growing number of Americans simply do not believe in the authority of Scripture. They do not believe the Bible is true or relevant today. This is directly responsible for the breakdown in biblical values. For a hundred years — as I’ve written many times — liberal scholars undermined Scripture and the Living God by first casting subtle doubt on the historicity of the Bible, beginning with Genesis. This is key in understanding where we are today.
As it relates to our weekly topic, Israel, this stealth attack has brought us to a point where the Jewish state is turning into a liability for the U.S. (from a purely secular or unbelieving perspective; of course we understand Israel to be critical to understanding reality).
Look, it’s like this: after decades of liberals mocking foundational truths, such as the God-instituted “one-man for one-woman” concept, we no longer know who we are. It’s elementary: God designed men and women to complement each other in every way and thus produce children and inhabit the earth. This was His mandate.
But the Genesis accounts of origins and early human history have been rendered unbelievable (which I find unbelievable) by God-hating critics, who present themselves as earnest, sincere truth seekers. In fact, they are God-haters who want everyone else to share their diabolical worldview.
Many other examples could be cited of these competing worldviews. Look at Ephesians 5:25:

“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it…”

If our culture believed that the Bible is true, you would see healthy marriages everywhere, instead of the train wrecks that are commonplace in our homes.
Again, more examples of the benefits of a biblical worldview could be cited, but let’s transition into our favorite topic.
Israeli Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin said this week that the U.S.-Israel relationship is changing:

“Today we find ourselves facing an American administration that does not see as a basic point of reference the moral responsibility for the existence of Israel. It certainly supports the Zionist idea, the idea that the Jews of Israel live here, but it does not feel any moral responsibility for Israel’s existence.
“There is definitely a new American perception that does not see Israel as a strategic asset in the Middle East for both the United States and the free world. This is a development that even we, the veteran politicians, see as something new.”

This is absolutely chilling, my friends. And yet…it perfectly fulfills Bible prophecy!
Forty years ago, on the heels of the Six Day War victory, and in a nation that still had a strong Judeo-Christian value system, it was still hard to envision a day in which Israel would be abandoned by all her allies; the U.S. was simply too strong and good.
Yet what do we learn from Jeremiah? Hear the prophet:

“All thy lovers have forgotten thee; they seek thee not…”(v. 14)

This is in the context of the time of Jacob’s Trouble. Israel will find herself abandoned by the world. In total.
People, especially pro Israel Christians, have a hard time accepting this and yet, what should we expect to happen…if we believe the Bible?
Thus, Rivlin’s comment, and the actions of change agents like Barack Obama, point directly to this very specific fulfillment of prophecy.
For some time, there have been discussions in Washington that Israel has become a liability. The thinking goes that we don’t want to inflame the Arabs. Guess what? The Arabs were already inflamed. They were inflamed before the U.S. was founded. They were inflamed long before Israel was established. They were inflamed long before Israel took control of the biblical heartland in 1967 (the PLO was formed in 1964; did you know that? Please tell me, mainline Christian friends: did Israel’s “occupation” of the West Bank awaken the radical Muslim giant? Here’s the answer: no).
I even disagree with Rivlin’s statement that the U.S. (you understand, we are talking about “official U.S. policy, from Washington) “supports the Zionist idea.”
They do not. The enemies of truth sit in power in Washington, and in other capitols. They also do not see at all that they are opposing the God of the Bible. They don’t even believe in the God of the Bible.
I was at a dinner for Israeli spokesman David Bar-Illan in Washington, in 1997. David was a treasure, and a group of congressional leaders and pro Israel supporters wanted to honor him for his contributions to not only the Jewish state, but to the cause of freedom everywhere.
Some old-guard congressional leaders that night were passionate defenders of Zion. It was a wonderful evening.
I wonder today, as I write this, how long there will be staunch supporters of Israel in the United States Congress.
A couple weeks ago, I had the pleasure of visiting with long-time prophecy teacher Noah Hutchings of Southwest Radio Church.
In April, Hutch will celebrate 60 years with the ministry! He is still going strong, and has a terrific new book out, 40 Irrefutable Signs of the Last Generation. It is well-researched and very well presented, and an added important feature is that it draws on Hutch’s decades of observations on the prophetic scene.
I find it quite ironic that a man like Noah Hutchings is scorned by media elitists and leaders (and not only in the secular world, but sadly, the Church), while a man like Barack Obama is toasted the world over.
Hutch, though, believes the Bible and he knows well that Israel is a key to understanding reality and the world in which we live.
He knows that Israel is about to be abandoned, but you know, there is such a gentle peace about him. He doesn’t seem worried in the least.
It’s because he knows the Bible is true, he knows where we are, and he knows where we’re headed.
Much of the world does not.
Prophecy matters because it reveals to us a loving, involved, and all-powerful God. He has shown us the way and proven Himself to our puny minds.
That’s why Reuven Rivlin’s comments, though disturbing, in fact confirm that there is nothing in this world and the wider universe that has escaped God’s attention.
The haters are getting louder. As they do, they fulfill the very prophecies they deny!
Prophecy does matter.
[Check out Jim’s group (http://www.prophecymatters.com/ ) for site upgrades and added features and initiatives. We are making a push for a big 2011, to share with a hurting world that Bible prophecy does indeed matter for individuals, no matter where they are. PM will be announcing exciting new features in the coming weeks and we invite you to join us!]
