Saturday 9 October 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Tuesday, October 5, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, back in the days of St. Paul most of their transportation was focused on horses and ships. He was a strong willed missionary to bring souls to Me after his conversion. Considering his limited transportation abilities, he traveled a lot as you can read in his writings. Today, My disciples and messengers have airplanes, cars, and the internet, along with books and DVDs to spread My message of the Kingdom of God. With all of these means at your disposal, there is even more of an obligation to take advantage of these gifts to help evangelize souls. As time approaches to the tribulation time, the Antichrist will also take advantage of your means of communication to try and force people to worship him. This is why I told you after the Warning to remove your televisions, computers, and radios from your homes so you do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes or listen to his voice. Refuse to take his chip in your body, even if the evil ones threaten to kill you. Also, refuse to use smart cards, or cell phones once he is declared because his voice will control you like a robot. Once you see him about to come into power, you need to call on Me to have your angel lead you to the nearest refuge of protection so you will be free from the Antichrist’s control and from any attempt to kill you.”

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